Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Aziz Baloch had admitted to direct contact with the Indian intelligence agency RAW and kulbhushan during the investigation: Private TV channel claims

Aziz Baloch had admitted to direct contact with the Indian intelligence agency RAW and kulbhushan during the investigation: Private TV channel claims
Karachi (Pakistan's Daily Online) Aziz, head of Lyari Baloch admitted during court proceedings in direct contact with the Indian spy agency RAW and kulbhushanPrivate TV channel Geo News, police chief Aziz Baloch wise King admitted the Baloch Liberation Army and the anti-Pakistan forces and was in direct contact with the Indian intelligence agency RAW. He was holding the attack on Karachi police stations and the police officers who killed him while the investigation against him. The Baloch was also admitted funding the crime weapon smuggling from abroad and foreign institutions.

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